We Finally Gave Someone All Our Money!
I pretty much have been holding my breath for the last two months as we worked through our financing! Who knew it would take so so long. Well, apparently everyone except for us.
I had found a local broker who told me for months everything on our loan looked great great great and then when we finalized plans and were ready to put that loan into motion, it fell through.
It seems that finding a 5% construction loan is the unicorn of loans in the financial world. It's all we had though and couldn't just scrounge up another 25k as they broker suggested when he last minute came back and said they needed 10% instead of the 5%. Do people just have 25k sitting in their bank accounts?? Where did we miss that memo.
The next guy also said we were "great borrowers" with great credit scores and great incomes and financial history and we were right on track for the 5% just to find out the following week they wanted 20%. Am I speaking English? Do people get that we need a 5% loan.
So I thought that maybe this wasn't right and that we might not get the 5% construction loan, but somehow we got passed on to Zion's Bank and while it was 6 weeks of waiting, they were able to pull through. I kept waiting and waiting for the bad news that we wouldn't get to build this house.
I stopped talking about the house, stopped looking at pinterest, stopped planning for the move. I just stopped. My heart could not take it while we were in limbo with our loan. I tried to be humble and prayerful, asking God to help me know what was right and to be ok with whatever outcome. I felt confused and confusion makes me feel like I should not have this house. I have been looking for a reason that I should not have a house since I started this and I was just preparing myself for the bad news.
I woke up three morning in a row feeling the most clear peaceful feeling about building the house. I realized the confusion was not coming from building the house, but what we would do if we did not get the house. I could not figure out for the life of me what we would do if we could not build. I just knew we would get the house and that it was what the right step for our family. A week later the good news came in! We were all clear for settlement!
We settled on Monday October 17, 2016. We signed our million papers. It's pretty anti climatic buying a house and then not moving into a house.
We now are waiting for the city to give us the permit and then....we dig!
So now we are on track and I am excited to post more about our building process!! Me and pinterest are friends again. It feels good.
Off to bed!!
I had found a local broker who told me for months everything on our loan looked great great great and then when we finalized plans and were ready to put that loan into motion, it fell through.
It seems that finding a 5% construction loan is the unicorn of loans in the financial world. It's all we had though and couldn't just scrounge up another 25k as they broker suggested when he last minute came back and said they needed 10% instead of the 5%. Do people just have 25k sitting in their bank accounts?? Where did we miss that memo.
The next guy also said we were "great borrowers" with great credit scores and great incomes and financial history and we were right on track for the 5% just to find out the following week they wanted 20%. Am I speaking English? Do people get that we need a 5% loan.
So I thought that maybe this wasn't right and that we might not get the 5% construction loan, but somehow we got passed on to Zion's Bank and while it was 6 weeks of waiting, they were able to pull through. I kept waiting and waiting for the bad news that we wouldn't get to build this house.
I stopped talking about the house, stopped looking at pinterest, stopped planning for the move. I just stopped. My heart could not take it while we were in limbo with our loan. I tried to be humble and prayerful, asking God to help me know what was right and to be ok with whatever outcome. I felt confused and confusion makes me feel like I should not have this house. I have been looking for a reason that I should not have a house since I started this and I was just preparing myself for the bad news.
I woke up three morning in a row feeling the most clear peaceful feeling about building the house. I realized the confusion was not coming from building the house, but what we would do if we did not get the house. I could not figure out for the life of me what we would do if we could not build. I just knew we would get the house and that it was what the right step for our family. A week later the good news came in! We were all clear for settlement!
We settled on Monday October 17, 2016. We signed our million papers. It's pretty anti climatic buying a house and then not moving into a house.
We now are waiting for the city to give us the permit and then....we dig!
So now we are on track and I am excited to post more about our building process!! Me and pinterest are friends again. It feels good.
Off to bed!!
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