Rumor Has It They Are Building

      Apparently they are building our house. My mother in law drove past and saw this big guy by our lot so I guess something is happening!  I kind of had to step away from the daily text messages of "tomorrow". "Tomorrow" seems to equal ...."in two weeks" a lot of time in the world of building houses. But, the forms were done, without the permits, probably because I wouldn't stop pestering. I am glad they did because the rainy weather set in afterward for a good week. We finally got the permits and after another few weeks they put up the foundation walls. I heard they might have even done window wells and weather proofing! It's been a busy last two weeks so I will have to go and check it out this weekend!
         Just to summarize, We have been waiting to do all of this since the middle of October! I can't even tell you how relieved we are to finally see some progress!


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