Thinking Through A Smart Kitchen

I am trying to strategically think through each room in the house and make the best decisions for our family and how we do things! I love to cook and bake and I know that I want a space that is efficient and well planned out. I have been collecting some ideas  of things I would really love in our kitchen as pantry!


  • A place for the garbage that is hidden but easy to get to
  • A Place for the small appliances. I do not want them out on the counter
  • A huge hidden pantry. The plan is a 7x10 room right now!! (fingers crossed) I want a place for our food and small appliances and also a place to put plated food and prep work that is not out on the counter especially when I am entertaining, which I hope to do a lot of!! 
  • I wanted a built in double oven but now I am leaning towards a free standing double oven and range. 
  • We love the idea of the pantry drop from the garage to get our groceries easily into the house
  • I want a fridge with a water dispenser.  It would be our first!
  •  I want a cabinet for the cleaning supplies and broom and even for the vacuum if we can swing it! 
  • My goal is to have as little as possible on the counters so a paper towel dispenser built in and a drawer for cooking untensils would be great! 
  • I would love slots for baking sheets and cupcake pans
  • White cabinets for sure!
  • 4x8 kitchen island to seat at least 4 kiddos who will happily eat their cereal there! 
  • Still deciding on countertops. I am leaning towards Quartz at the moment! 
  • A small area of exposed shelves for my dessert plates, preferably with a brick wall behind it.
  • Good placement of outlets! 
That's some if it for now! I would love to hear what makes your kitchen workable and unworkable!!!! I need to learn from others. Everything in my current kitchen is pretty much considered unworkable! I don't want to mess this room up because it will be the most important room of our house! 


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