Help From The Hansens

Neff Jake and Logan framing the kitchen pantry
    Jake was planning to work all day Saturday in the basement apartment trying to get the framing done...alone. We knew we had to keep plugging along if we were gonna get done before the plumbing and electrical came in. I was so so thankful when Aunt Karen called me to tell me Uncle Brad and Neff were on their way to help!!! I was just so touched they were willing to give up their Saturday to help us out. It turned out to be a great day. The boys worked until 9pm  and got pretty much the entire things done. It looks awesome in there! What a great apartment it turned out to be. 
     For dinner we grabbed some Chinese food and had dinner in our living room! We took full advantage of the 70 degree March weather. We ate and chatted about the house. We even had our first juice spill. The house is officially christened.  Karen has a degree in interior design so we pretty much melt over pretty wallpapers, lighting and design ideas non stop. She's pretty great to have around as a friend and design side kick. 
Oh that reminds me. I will officially be teaching interior design next year! It's a new course for 9th graders and we decided to just throw it on the course selection and I filled enough spots to teach an entire section. I am pretty stoked about it because I've been loving all things interior design. 
Here's my grumpy baby! 
Anyway. What a great day to feel the love of family that is excited for you and willing to help your crazy dreams become a reality. I hate to do this but...... feeling #blessed. haha
A lot of Chinese Food! I couldn't stop Karen! She just kept ordering!

Bedroom Closet ready to go Up


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