Still Figuring Out Doors
I'm at at teacher conference today and tomorrow in Park City! They feed us great food for two days, pay for our hotel and completely make me love teaching, and this has been happening all year every other month! April is the last conference and I won't lie.... I'm gonna miss it! Totally worth the hours of sub plans I've had to create this year!
We are meeting with Chad (the builder overseeing the build) on Saturday to start our weekly progress meetings. YAY!!! We are full speed ahead at this point. Chad is really doing a great job keeping things moving. He's been easy to get a hold of and super helpful! I love that I can text him, or Jared (got us going, and built our plans) and Scott (does all the pricing and bids). I love having access to them at all times. They are really great guys!
Anyway....where was I? Oh yeah. Doors. So now I'm trying to narrow down the front door and I've put in a good 5 hours of research today. We will meet with the door guy on Monday. He kind of killed my dreams today when we told me custom door jamb for an antique door I found on ebay would cost $1400!!! $1400 for just the jamb! Not even the door. Our budget for the door is $1000 so clearly my arch top door is not happening. I am kind of bummed, but I know we won't be able to do everything we want because we are on something called a ...... budget. But seriously, can't you picture how amazing this door would be? New glass. New paint. Ugh. I could totally see it!
So now moving on, here are some doors I've come across tonight. Jake likes the more craftsman looking the better. I like that look too. I also want side lights, but not clear side lites. After throwing it out there on facebook tonight it seems that clear glass side lites are not that great because of privacy issues. I'd also love a transom but we will see.
We are meeting with Chad (the builder overseeing the build) on Saturday to start our weekly progress meetings. YAY!!! We are full speed ahead at this point. Chad is really doing a great job keeping things moving. He's been easy to get a hold of and super helpful! I love that I can text him, or Jared (got us going, and built our plans) and Scott (does all the pricing and bids). I love having access to them at all times. They are really great guys!
Anyway....where was I? Oh yeah. Doors. So now I'm trying to narrow down the front door and I've put in a good 5 hours of research today. We will meet with the door guy on Monday. He kind of killed my dreams today when we told me custom door jamb for an antique door I found on ebay would cost $1400!!! $1400 for just the jamb! Not even the door. Our budget for the door is $1000 so clearly my arch top door is not happening. I am kind of bummed, but I know we won't be able to do everything we want because we are on something called a ...... budget. But seriously, can't you picture how amazing this door would be? New glass. New paint. Ugh. I could totally see it!
We will just have to talk to the door guy on Monday and see what is possible for the front door. I've love it to be inviting and beautiful and affordable and hopefully we can nail it on the head!
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