My Name is Stacey and....

See  this light blue in the center
      I have a color problem! But seriously. Every color. They look white on my poster board when I'm at home. At the house, they ALL look purple on the wall. I am seriously going INSANE! I was supposed to have paint colors picked last Friday....but no one asked me for them (thank goodness) so I am still completely baffled, confused and a teensy bit irrate how colors are just so unpredictable.  No lie. The color on the SAME wall even looks like two different colors. The same color on one wall looks light blue and the wall next to it....grey.  
It's the same  color with the white box. Same time of day. Opposite wall.  
At least I can use this experience next year when I teach interior design. It will be a great experiment during the color unit to bring up some of these issues. And that gives me a good 5 months so I don't just start crying in the middle of class about color. 

(and these pictures were taken when only a "few" colors were on the wall )


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